The Challenge
Only one third of public health facilities in developing countries have essential medicines available, and only two-thirds of private health facilities have them. This leaves a large portion of the global population without access to essential medicines, particularly families in rural areas.
The Opportunity
GP and its affiliated funds aim to improve the health of households living in poverty by investing in social enterprises that offer affordable essential medicines and basic health information in under-served areas, in order to improve family health and reduce unnecessary health expenses.
Who is Served
The target demographic is rural households living on less than $3.20 PPP/person/day.
What is Delivered
Clients Receive: Access to essential medicines, supplies, & basic health information
May also receive: Very basic diagnosis and care
Entrepreneurs receive loans, training, access to medicines.
Why IT is Impactful
Family health improves and household costs are reduced due to:
- Improved geographic access
- Improved affordability
- Timely/appropriate treatment
Entrepreneurs have a new source of income and improved livelihood.