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ASEI is a partner within GP’s Women-Centered Finance with Education and Health initiatives. ASEI is a non-governmental organization in El Salvador that provides financial, health and education services to low-income entrepreneurs and their families.


The Challenge

An estimated 3.3 million adults in El Salvador lack access to formal financial services, and only 8% of women have borrowed from a formal financial institution.* In addition, limited access to health care and high out-of-pocket expenses have a disproportionate impact on people living in poverty and those living in rural areas of El Salvador.**


Who is Served

ASEI serves over 24,000 clients, 82% of whom are women, many with informal businesses in vulnerable sectors of the economy.

What is Delivered

ASEI provides microloans, primarily through the group lending methodology, coupled with education on topics such as savings, business plans, and preventative health. Alongside these services, ASEI offers affordable primary health care through its in-house clinic, supplemented by referral partnerships with various specialists.

Why it is Impactful

Access to working capital loans and related education enables ASEI’s clients to make more informed decisions, better deal with shocks, and sustain and eventually grow investment in income-generating activities, resulting in improved economic resilience and food security for their households. With access to health information and services, ASEI’s clients can adopt healthier behaviors, practice prevention, and receive timely and appropriate treatment, enabling improved household health.