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CRECER is a partner within GP’s Women-Centered Finance with Education and Health initiatives.* CRECER is a Bolivian microfinance institution that provides credit, education, and access to health services for low-income female microentrepreneurs.                              [Profile published August 2020]

An estimated 3.6 million adults in Bolivia lack access to formal financial services, and only 18% of women have borrowed from a formal financial institution.** In addition, access to quality, affordable healthcare remains a challenge for families living in poverty, particularly those living in rural areas.***

Who is Served

CRECER serves female micro-entreprenuers in rural and peri-urban regions of Bolivia, where, on average, 21% of the population lives with basic deprivations in terms of health, education, and living standards. 77% of CRECER’s clients are women.****


What is Delivered

CRECER leverages the village bank platform to deliver working capital loans and broad-based education covering topics such as financial health, cancer prevention, and digital literacy. In addition, CRECER facilitates access to discounted health services for clients, with a focus on cervical and uterine cancer prevention. These services are delivered through alliances with government and private health clinics, as well as through periodical health campaigns organized in client communities.


How it is Impactful

Access to working capital loans and related education enables CRECER’s clients to make more informed decisions, better deal with shocks, and grow investment in income-generating activities. These opportunities can result in improved economic resilience and food security for their households. With access to health information and services, CRECER’s clients can adopt healthier behaviors, practice prevention, and receive timely and appropriate treatment, enabling improved household health.


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* CRECER: Crédito con Educación Rural, Institución Financiera de Desarrollo
** Source: World Bank population data 2019 & World Bank Global Findex 2017
*** Source: Source: USAID & Pan-American Health Organization 2007, “Health Systems Profile – Bolivia”,
**** GP analysis based on CRECER regions of operation and regional data from the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index, published by Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative,